
ILC 2013 gets the corporate endorsement

ILC 2013 gets the corporate endorsement


One thing that has made Morinda a powerhouse in our industry for 16 years is consistently excellent corporate leadership. We have an extremely talented executive team who works hard to make sure your needs are met. This is a great group, and right now they’re all saying one thing: Register for ILC 2013.

In a new video to preview ILC 2013, Cim Carver, Jeff Wasden and Rob Johnson take some time to talk about Bioactivism, helping others, and the countless benefits of attending International Leadership Conference. Take a look!


So the question is simple: If ILC can make you a better leader, a better business person, and a better bioactivist, why on earth wouldn’t you attend? If it’s true that those who attend ILC, on average, are more successful than those who don’t, and it is, what would keep you from Honolulu in 2013?

Jeff Wasden said it best: “ILC gives you a broader perspective, helps you become a better leader, helps you develop other people effectively, and just overall helps your business grow at a faster more sustainable rate.”

As you’ve seen, ILC 2013 has some pretty strong endorsements from our exemplary corporate leadership team. When registration opens on November 1, give them your vote of confidence and sign up for ILC in Honolulu.